Tranquility and Taiji Training Effecting Daily Life

Taiji is commonly practiced for health and mediation. Moving our bodies regularly improves our health! Standing on one leg is good balance practice. Stance work strengthens our legs. Moving slowly with full attention is very meditative. And on and on….. The benefits of practicing taiji are many and can be expounded upon at length by many - those that practice and those that don’t. I enjoy hearing them all and often agree (who doesn’t like to hear that their favorite activity heals all ills and soothes all souls!) However, often these benefits feel superficial to the deep internal training that can happen with a continued and focused practice.

I rarely run across good explanations of how our minds in our daily lives are impacted by our taiji practice. Brisbane Chen Tai Chi has managed to do just that here. This depiction is a near perfect representation of how earning to do form with mental relaxation sneaks into the rest of our lives.

And, as a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll end mine here and leave you with these images.

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