Pit Fired Artwork

We wanted to share an update of our favorite potter’s work.

These days Selden Lamoureux, of Earth Ox Pottery, has been working with pit fired pieces and figures that are striking. Many of you will know Selden as LaoMa’s wife. But I am thrilled know her as friend and a fantastic potter!!

You can catch her work on her website: Earth Ox Pottery.

Her work has brought joy to so many hours in the kitchen and drinking coffee in the mornings for us. And I’m blown away with the depths she is achieving with her pit fired work - the pieces are striking.

Or on the Chatham Artists Guild’s Studio Tour. She is number is 38, and the location is 508 Thompson St (in Pittsboro).

Tour dates are the First Two Weekends in December:

Saturdays (December 2nd & 9th) 10am - 5pm

Sundays (December 3rd & 10th) Noon - 5pm